The Makushin Geothermal Project resumed the utility access corridor construction on May 1, 2023. Currently, at mile 3.0 of the 9.3-mile requirement, the construction will continue through December 2023 to reach the geothermal well field and power plant site.
Full project funding is on track to support a late 2027 commercial operation date. The Makushin project team has been and continues to be fully engaged in the due diligence process with two primary lenders, AEA.AIDEA and the US Department Energy Tribal Energy Loan Program (TELP).
At the time due diligence is near completion, OCCP is preparing for the immediate engagement with selected vendors and contractors for the implementation of the overall construction and logistic plan outlined goals below:
2023 – Construct 6.5 miles of utility access corridor, install required pads. Mobilize drill rig
2024 - Drilling of well field and verify test results prior to release of final power plant design. Geotechnical survey and foundation designs
2025 – Install foundations. Install terrestrial cables and at East and West substations.
2026 - install subsea transmission line. Install Battery energy storage system. Mobilize portions of the power plant equipment
2027 – Install and test/commission power plant