OCCP, LLC provided notice to Ormat Technologies its intent to award the Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contract for the Makushin Geothermal Project power plant and remote gathering field on August 29th, 2021.
In the case of the Makushin Geothermal Power plant, this contract means Ormat will perform work consistent with the overall design criteria requirements for providing the detailed engineering, manufacturing, installation, and commissioning of the 30MW power plant. The contract approximate value is $90M.
Ormat was selected after a lengthy bidder qualification and competitive bid process. Four international bidders participated, with Ormat being selected as the best value. Final contract negotiations are underway, with expected completion by the end of 2021.
Ormat Technologies is an Israel based company with extensive operations in the US and around the globe. They are a leader in the geothermal sector.