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15th Renewable Energy Fair - A Success

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Chena Hot Springs hosted and organized the 15th Annual Renewable Energy on August 15, 2021.

The purpose of the fair is to bring together like-minded individuals to showcase renewable energy and the role it can play in transforming communities. This year's event highlighted the Makushin Geothermal Project.

A formal presentation introducing the project began with host Bernie Karl introducing the Chena Power team members who provided an overview of the project. Special guests, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, US Senator Lisa Murkowski and Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy gave formal remarks as it related to this project, renewables and the policies being made to influence greater development and adoption.

Ounalashka Corporation President, Vincent Tuitiakoff, Sr. addressed the importance for his region and shareholders to be engaged in the Alaska Geothermal Project.

The Renewable Energy Fair is highly unique in that participants range include national policy makers, global technology leaders, farmers, fishermen, educators, economic development planners and new low and high technology companies. Families attended this years event, as always, to take the tour of how geothermal energy powers the resort and visit the Chena Fresh gardens, power plant, ice hotel and, of course, the hot springs. Policy makers took tours to see how geothermal energy serves as the base for development of a fully integrated, world renown resort.

This years event, like its predecessors supported conversations, connections and sharing of knowledge on the applications for greater momentum to advance renewable energy. In addition, this year, attendees benefited from a comprehensive inside look at the development stages of a unique commercial geothermal project.


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